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Ankara Kızılay Travel and Accommodation Guide

The capital of Turkey, is one of the most prominent places in terms of travel and accommodation guide . Accommodation options in this city, where you can create both cultural and touristic travel plans, attract attention with their affordable prices, and it is considered as one of the destinations that many people go back and forth due to their business situation throughout the year. It is possible to highlight many places for Ankara, where you will have a different pleasure while visiting each of its streets. When you go for business travel , it is possible to inquire about where to stay in Ankara . However, when you go for sightseeing, it is considered the first rule to choose hotel accommodation, which is close to everywhere. In this respect, we can state that many hotels around Kızılay provide the desired location convenience and suitability for many sought-after alternatives.

Where to Stay in Ankara?

where to stay in Ankara, the most beautiful places in Ankara are listed as follows according to their differences.

  • Kızılay, which is one of the most active places in Ankara in terms of its central address,
  • Choosing the ideal location for Ankara train station and around AŞTİ
  • Ulus Square, which creates an old and historical atmosphere
  • Çankaya region, which focuses on entertainment and at the same time brings culture and art to the fore
  • Hamamönü , which gives much place to architectural concepts in terms of history, 
  • When you are looking for a healing natural environment with the pleasure of a spa, Kızılcahamam
  • It can be said that Beypazarı is the address that is considered as a place close to Ankara and highlights jewelry and many cultural changes.

Where to Stay in Ankara

is worth noting that the most satisfying place to stay in Ankara is Kızılay. Although Kızılay is the place where business areas stand out for the people of Ankara, it should be said that it attracts attention in terms of where there are thousands of cafes and pleasant streets. It is easy to reach everywhere around Kızılay. While Güvenpark is a very popular place in terms of Kızılay Square, it is also possible to reach all streets of Kızılay within walking distance from here. When you are going to choose the metro in terms of transportation, we should also mention that the last stop is Kızılay. Apart from this, we find it useful to state that Kızılay is the address that offers hotel comfort in the best way and at a cheap price for Ankara, which is beautiful in winter.

Ankara Places to Stay with Your Lover

Kızılay is considered the most suitable address in terms of a place to stay with your lover in Ankara . Luxury and comfortable hotel transportation is possible from here. When you stay for the day, it is possible to choose affordable apart hotels. If you want to have fun both day and night, you should definitely not think about long distance accommodation addresses when choosing a place. Because the difficulty of transportation will create an extra grind. In this case, since dissatisfaction will come to the fore, we can say that the importance of accommodation plays a big role.

Ankara Travel Route

In general, people who want to create an Ankara sightseeing route should first choose the most suitable accommodation address in terms of where they can go. When we are going to list the most popular places in terms of travel plan, it is possible to specify the following list.

  • Anitkabir cultural tour route
  • Ankara castle cultural tour
  • Atatürk Forest Farm
  • Wonderland
  • Mogan lake
  • Anatolian Civilizations Museum
  • Tunali Hilmi Street and Kuğulu Park
  • Segmenler Park
  • Hamamönü mystical and historical excursion

Apart from the sightseeing route that you will enjoy immensely, it is also possible to explore many unfamiliar places. Red Crescent, which has a different beauty on every street, will provide you with easy access to many places while highlighting affordable prices in terms of accommodation. In this respect , Kızılay hotels come to the fore in general within the scope of the place to stay.




Enjoy Your Stay at Hamit Hotel Kızılay

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